


“If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.”

― Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

There’s something deeply invigorating about the start of a New Year. Just like a painter staring at a blank canvas, we are planning our new health kick-starts, fitness & nutrition plans and many other personal goals.

I rang in the New Year with my fitfam at PowerYogaCanada. Our wellness party consisted of hot yoga, dancing, meditation, intention setting and sharing our desires for 2017. It’s so important to write down your goals on paper and to be held accountable for them. By a twist of faith, I was partnered up with Leslea, who happens to go to the same hairstylist as myself. Small world! We exchanged emails and are committed to support each other in our quest to achieve our biggest intentions for the year.

My top five recommendations for goal setting:

  1. Write your goal down. Yes, pen to paper.
  2. Write down an action plan. Write a step-by-step plan. And then write a date beside each step. Even if you have NO idea at this moment how you’ll reach those steps, trust me, you’ll find a way if you’re committed.
  3. Tell people about your goal. Tell everyone! Have someone that checks in on your progress on a consistent basis. There’s a subconscious kick in the butt when you know you are held accountable to someone.
  4. Track your progress; weekly, monthly, semi-annually. Be honest.
  5. Make a vision board (next weeks blog). Have it in front of you while you work. It’s a constant reminder of your deepest desires.

Set big and bold goals. If they’re not challenging, you’re only cheating yourself.

My final tip, I learned from Mastin Kipp; don’t have a plan B. If you do, slowly plan A fades away and you fall into Plan B because you know it’s there.

Much love for 2017!


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