

The Magic of Probiotics

Probiotics have been around forever. They are found in yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, kefir, just to name a few. Unfortunately, most of us don’t eat enough of these probiotic packed goodies.


So, WHAT are probiotics?

Our body is made up of bacteria – all kinds of it. Good, bad and the in between. A probiotic is a “good” live bacteria that helps keep our gut healthy.


WHY are they important?

  • Help our digestive system function properly
  • Boosts our immune system
  • Helps Inflammatory Bowl conditions such as IBS and Gluten Sensitivity
  • Aids in preventing and healing urinary tract infections
  • Fights food-borne illnesses


As you can see, they really are important in our daily diet. I was diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity approximately 6 months ago. When I look back, I think I’ve had symptoms for 2+ years. Back in December 2016, I was on vacation in Mexico for a good friends wedding. I couldn’t eat anything, nor even drink because I would blow up like a balloon and I was in the bathroom within 30 minutes of consuming gluten-containing foods. When I got home, I went to my doctors and after some blood work, I found out that my body is producing antibodies against gluten. Essentially, my body is attacking gluten as if they are the enemy. Since then, I cut our all gluten, wheat and soy products from my diet. I feel AMAZING. Not only are the symptoms gone, but also my energy is up 100% and that brain fog is gone.


With this new gluten free diet, I also had to heal my gut. It was pretty damaged. I couldn’t have any lactose for a month after because my body was not properly absorbing it and essentially I was lactose intolerant. Since then, I’ve also introduced PROBIOTICS. I’ve had the opportunity to try one brand called GENUINE HEALTH Advanced Gut Health Probiotic 50 billion CFU Daily Care Extra Strength. Some foods, such as my nutrient-packed shakes I make in the morning, sometimes cause me indigestion, but while on these probiotics, I have no problem whatsoever.


Some BENEFITS to this brand are:

  • 15 strains that mimic the human gut flora
  • Vegan plastic-free delayed release capsule for targeted delivery
  • Gluten free
  • Non GMO
  • Soy Free
  • Can store refrigerated or not


They also come in different strengths. I would highly recommend these probiotics to anyone that is looking to boost their immune system and support their digestive system. For more information check out this probiotic collection. Happy eating!



If you don’t know what you want, you can’t get it

The most powerful tool we have to get what we want is visualization. Our health, wellness, fitness, financial and relationship goals are all linked to our higher purpose. In finding your higher purpose, you’re really finding freedom.

That being said, visualization without action is useless.

If you can paint a clear picture in your mind of what you want, then why can’t you achieve it?

One effective and fun way to express your masterpiece is by creating a vision board.

  1. Pick up a board. Canvas, cardboard or cork board will do. I prefer a cork board because I like to pin my pictures and reuse my cork board.
  2. List your top 15- 25 top goals for the year. Think about this on a broad spectrum and include personal, financial, relationship and health goals. Think big and wild!
  3. Find pictures in magazines, personal pictures and online pictures that represent these goals. Cut them out or print them and glue or pin them to your board.
  4. Viola, you are done! Kidding, now the real work begins.

Keep your board in a place where you see it often. I keep mine on my desk. I took a picture of it, so I can always refer to it on while I’m traveling. It’s a little big to pack in my suitcase. 😉

I want to see YOUR vision board! Post a picture of your vision board on Instagram, hash tag #vision and you’ll have a chance to win some amazing, gluten-free non-GMO nutritional bars.


Love & Health,







Affirm your 2017 intention and it will manifest



“If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.”

― Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

There’s something deeply invigorating about the start of a New Year. Just like a painter staring at a blank canvas, we are planning our new health kick-starts, fitness & nutrition plans and many other personal goals.

I rang in the New Year with my fitfam at PowerYogaCanada. Our wellness party consisted of hot yoga, dancing, meditation, intention setting and sharing our desires for 2017. It’s so important to write down your goals on paper and to be held accountable for them. By a twist of faith, I was partnered up with Leslea, who happens to go to the same hairstylist as myself. Small world! We exchanged emails and are committed to support each other in our quest to achieve our biggest intentions for the year.

My top five recommendations for goal setting:

  1. Write your goal down. Yes, pen to paper.
  2. Write down an action plan. Write a step-by-step plan. And then write a date beside each step. Even if you have NO idea at this moment how you’ll reach those steps, trust me, you’ll find a way if you’re committed.
  3. Tell people about your goal. Tell everyone! Have someone that checks in on your progress on a consistent basis. There’s a subconscious kick in the butt when you know you are held accountable to someone.
  4. Track your progress; weekly, monthly, semi-annually. Be honest.
  5. Make a vision board (next weeks blog). Have it in front of you while you work. It’s a constant reminder of your deepest desires.

Set big and bold goals. If they’re not challenging, you’re only cheating yourself.

My final tip, I learned from Mastin Kipp; don’t have a plan B. If you do, slowly plan A fades away and you fall into Plan B because you know it’s there.

Much love for 2017!



The 30-minute kickass vacation workout

For those who exercise on a regular basis, we continue to do so, no matter where in the world we find ourselves. It’s our lifestyle and we love it. I find that at an all inclusive resort, it’s even more important to be active. We tend to overeat and lounge all day. Although my eating habits are relatively good at an all inclusive resort, I have a severe sweet tooth. Cake and ice cream after lunch and dinner every day add up! I also don’t want to spend a lot of time indoors at the gym. I’d rather spend it walking on the beach, playing volleyball or tennis or exploring near by towns. That being said, I feel like crap if I don’t get a good workout in. Dilemma. My recent vacation to Mexico inspired me to formulate a fit action plan.

I’ve mastered the ultimate vacation workout that will have your heart rate skyrocketing and you’ll burn lots calories in only 30 minutes. The timing is based on Julian Michael’s HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

Formula = 3 min warm up + 4 circuits + 3 min cool down

1 circuit x 4

  • 3 min resistance training (3 exercise for 30 sec x 2)
  • 2 min cardio (2 exercises for 30 sec x 2)
  • 1 min active recovery (1 exercise)

Resistance Training

You can use light weights or your own body for resistance. Some of my favourite exercises are:

  • Bent over fly balancing on one leg
  • Rotating plank
  • Deep squat with calf raises


There are so many fun cardio moves, but some of my favourites are:

  • Jump squat
  • Mountain climber
  • Skater

Active Recovery

It’s time to bring your heart rate down a little bit, while still killing it.

  • Oblique crunch
  • Glute raise
  • Reverse crunch

Your warm up and cool down should consist of light jogging and stretching. That’s a wrap, but please don’t hesitate to contact me for any additional information.

Happy fit vacation!


“Regardless if it’s $1 or $100,000, it’s still helping someone.”

Jay Perry is a professional, award-winning photographer and philanthropist from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. His portfolio includes artist such as Snoop Dogg, Usher ad Gwen Stefani as well as clients such as the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors, GO Transit and Boston Pizza. Jay traveled to Haiti after the devastating 2010 hurricane to volunteer. It was there he produced his award-winning photo, ‘Kettenie-Love.’ He continues to grow as an artist and is expanding his experimental portraiture portfolio. His passion project, ‘Friends With Hearts,’ was started with a vision to help bring the magic of Christmas to families in need.


What was your ‘Ah-ha’ moment for Friends with Hearts (FWH)?

We started in 2011. The first year it was just an idea to bring friends together and help some families in need. It started with asking 9 other friends to come on board with me and donate $25 each to help out one family. But that instantly grew to multiple friends and $1400 by the end of it. It started with 9 friends that raised $1400 to buy gifts. Our goal was $250. My mom wrapped all the gifts. After that, I realized that this is a scalable idea and it needs to be in other cities.

I remember participating in some Good Shepherd drives in school and reached out to them. They were on board, but originally asked to donate unwrapped gifts. But we worked together on a solution and I explained to them the importance of our ‘wrapping parties’. It dawned on me to have these wrapping parties because it brought the community together. I remember thinking back to when I was in Haiti. They are economically poor, but more socially wealthy than us. I think it’s because they are more dependent and need each other to survive.


Why is FWH so important to you?

I grew up in a family where we didn’t economically suffer. There are three main mottos that drive me with FWH’s: Sense of Responsibility, Share the Wealth and Give back to the Community. This is the reason it continues.



What’s your 5 year vision for FWH?

I want to triple the amount of groups to 15. My goal is to have groups in every major city across Canada, as well as to continue to expand into the US. Ideally, I would like FWH not to partner with a charity, but to be a registered non-for-profit. It would cool to have a ‘Friends With Hearts,’ Day when every organization across North America has their wrapping party. Currently, these parties are done on different days, primarily because every city partners with a different charity that has their own deadlines.

This year we’ve added groups in NYC and Niagara. I posted a video announcing this and we had approximately 12,000 views. In November, I spoke at the Socialite Conference in Vancouver that empowers and supports early startups, leaders and entrepreneurs.

We’ll be doing some live Facebook streaming from the wrapping parties this year.


Is FWH consumerization? What is it teaching our youth?

Everyone has their own opinion. We want to give kids the ability to go back to school and not feel left out after Christmas. We want them to feel, “normal.” A lot of things we buy are necessities, not just toys. It is a moral boost for the family. I cannot imagine being a parent not being able to support your family during Christmas. It really helps turn lives around.


What happens after Christmas?

FWH is only seasonal because it takes a lot of time and a sacrifice of paid work. I would love to be able to help these families all year, for that happen, we need a bigger team. The problem with growth you need full time people on board. Currently, all our money goes toward the gifts. It’s a struggle to continue it as is or hire people and pay them.


What transferable skills are you able to use from photography and apply them to FWH?

  1. Social media. It’s the way we communicate today.
  2. Dealing with people on a personal level. In the photography business, it’s essential you connect with people. They work with me because they are comfortable. In order for people to donate money to you, they need to trust you and FWH is a perfect example of this.



What has been your biggest hurdle with FWH?

It’s been growing a team that works for free. You need to find people that are as passionate about FWH, as I am. There are many organizations out there and transparency is key. I thinking our, ‘wrapping parties’ help with that.

The biggest thing I realized was that I can’t do this all by myself.


If you had a chance to start over with Friends With Hearts, is there something you would do differently? If yes, what would it be?

There is nothing I would do differently. It was learning process. I had no expectations and this was a side project. Now it’s become successful.


What are your goals for 2017 in regards to photography?

I want to focus on more campaigns, movies, posters and creative portraiture. I would like to specialize in darker, dramatic imagery. Some say weird, but it’s interesting to me. I also want to rent out my space more for whatever.



Love it or hate it: the juice cleanse

Ah the juice cleanse. Most of us have heard about it. Some of us have even tried it. There are strong advocates for and against it.

I finished my juice cleanse this past weekend. It was the third one I’ve done in my life. It is something you need to prepare for, mentally and physically. My goal for this cleanse was to stop the hold, coffee had on me in the morning and to reduce my sugar cravings.

All together, it’s a 9 day cleanse. The first 3 days you pre-cleanse, followed by juicing and ending with a 3 day post-cleanse. I can’t stress how important it is to pre-cleanse. Otherwise, your body will seriously not react well to the detox.

Tips for pre-cleansing:

  • Cut caffeine out (green tea is okay)
  • Cut out meat
  • Cut out processed foods
  • Cut out processed sugars
  • Cut out wheat products
  • Cut out alcohol
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables
  • Drinks lots of water

During the 3 days I was juicing, I drank 6 juices a day.

  • 2 green juices
  • 2 green citrus juices
  • 1 beet juice
  • 1 homemade almond milk shake

Tips while juicing:

  • Do not strenuously exercise
  • Drink lots of water and herbal tea
  • Have a friend do with you
  • Make your juices for a few days or buy them

I bought most of my food for my juices at Organic Garage and Whole Foods. I would highly recommend organic food. I really like my Breville Fountain Elite. It’s stainless steel and with an extra wide chute that allows you to throw in whole foods without chopping them. It’s a gem.

During my post-cleanse, I started adding back in green tea, seafood, meat and whole grains.

I can honestly say that I had no coffee craving whatsoever when I finished my post-cleanse. Not to say I will never have coffee again; I just didn’t like my addiction to it and I wanted to do something about it. I have had less sugar cravings, but I still have my 1-2 pieces of dark chocolate a day. 🙂

My biggest takeaways:

  1. Set a goal for your cleanse.
  2. Skin improvement. I had less acne and a nice glow.
  3. Abundance of energy
  4. Deep sleep
  5. That foggy brain? Gone.
  6. Concentration was through the roof. Euphoric state.
  7. Cravings had gone down

If you would like my juice recipes, please email me at

Remember, at the end of the day, it’s your body and make sure you listen to it.


The highest degree of wisdom is integrity. ~ Shimon Peres

Integrity is a quality that is rare to find in people today. I decided to write on this topic because I was interested to understand why integrity has declined in our society. Regardless, the more research I did, the more I realized that the pillar to every person should be integrity. Every thought, decision and action we make is based on our integrity or lack of.

What is integrity?

  • Following your moral and ethical standards in all circumstances
  • Staying true to yourself
  • Your words align with your actions
  • Doing the right thing when no one is watching

The issue I raise is; what if your moral and ethical standards are in fact corrupt? Do you truly have integrity? In my opinion, the answer is no. In order for a person to have integrity, the moral and ethics standards they follow must really be, “moral and ethical.” Does this mean to the standards of society? What if society is declining as a whole? Does this mean that our morals and ethics decline as well?

These are all questions to consider when evaluating our own integrity. One thing is for certain; it is a quality that all else stems from and we should continuously strive to adhere to.


How to tackle a new project

You just wanted to commit to that amazing, new project or idea…but didn’t.

Do you start doubting yourself when presented with a new project? Does your fear cloud the benefits of pursuing the opportunity? Do you simply always say no to a new project due to fear?

You may just not know how to tackle something new.

When taking on a new project, there is always a little bit of fear that exists. That’s normal. It happens to me all the time. A problem exists when fear takes over and paralyzes you. It’s a wall you have to break through.

1. Write down why you are considering taking on this new project or idea. What are the benefit;, both qualitative and quantitative? What do you want the end result to be?

2. Write down what discourages you about the project. Lack of your knowledge? Length? Time commitment?

3. Put the lists side by side.

4. For every point that is a negative, write down how you can overcome that specific fear and an example of when you might have done in the past, or what you can do to get over it.

5. Take a look at the benefits versus the fear and decide whether you want to take on the project. Yes or no. No maybes allowed.

6. Commit to the project! It won’t get done unless you commit to it 100 per cent. If you are feeling unproductive, find a spot free from distractions so you can focus.

7. Set out goals with timelines. Write down what needs to be down and a date when you want to complete it by. Make yourself accountable. Ask a friend to check in on you and see how you are doing.

8. Follow up with your progress. Periodically review your work with someone and see what you have accomplished to date and see what needs to still be done.

9. Have fun! Enjoy what you are doing since it will motivate you even more to complete the task at hand.

Remember, when faced with anything new, fear is always lingering around the corner. You just have to outrun it and get out of your comfort zone.


It’s all about movement

Exercise is about movement. It’s about getting your butt off the couch. It doesn’t mean you have to run a marathon, but it does mean you should be moving for at least 30 minutes a day.

Back in the day, people worked on farms or had other jobs that involved movement. People lead a healthier lifestyle. Today, people sit at their desk for hours without movement.

Weekly, strive for:

  • 5 days of cardio (at least 30 minutes)
  • 3 days of weight training
  • 3 days of stretching

It seems like a lot, but it’s not. 30 minutes may be a speed walk for you. Break it down throughout the day. I always start my morning with a 15 brisk walk. It gets your heart pumping and oxygen following to your brain.

It’s scientifically proven that it takes 21 days to build a habit. Stick with it and have fun!


Drink your herbs

Summer’s over and just like that it’s cold and flu season. fullsizerender

I was going to write on a different topic today, but I’m not feeling well myself. I want to share with you my at-home natural remedies to fight a cold.

When you feel something coming on, best to act right away to prevent a full on cold. It doesn’t mean reach for an ibuprofen; it means boost your immune system!

These are my 4 all time favourite remedies.

  1. Oil of Oregano: Yes, I know, it’s gross. Take it however you want, but I like to just go for it. I put 3 drops under my tongue and gargle with a bit of water. I do this a few times a day when I feel under the weather.
  2. Liquids, liquids and liquids: Not booze. But warm liquids. My ultimate recipe, as the picture shows, is as follow:
    • Boil a big pot of water, so you can drink it all day. Throw in:
      • Thinly sliced ginger root (aids in digestion & an aphrodisiac)
      • Fresh bay leaves (aids in reducing inflammation & lowers stress hormones)
      • Fresh rosemary (improves memory, promotes hair growth & boosts immune system)
      • Fresh thyme (boots immune system & a natural cough remedy)
      • Fresh mint (antioxidant & aids in digestion)
      • Boil for a few minutes. After it cools, add in some raw, unpasteurized honey and freshly squeezed lemon. Enjoy!
  3. Rest: Simple, but oh so needed when your body isn’t functioning at 100%.
  4. Vitamins: Usana HealthPak. I don’t know where I’d be without them. Complete pack of antioxidants and minerals.

If all else fails, throw back a shot of vodka. Kidding. Or not.